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PSHE with Citizenship

Personal, social, health and economic education ‘develops the knowledge, skills and attributes all pupils need in order to keep healthy and safe and to prepare them for life and work in modern Britain’ (PSHE Association).

Every week we spend at least one hour of our timetable focused on our PSHE+C curriculum. 

PSHE+C sessions focus on the three core themes of health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world. At Brookland, we understand that no two children are the same. Therefore, through the knowledge and understanding we are continuing to learn from our children, together with our membership to the PSHE Association we try to tailor our PSHE+C sessions to specifically meet their needs.

Through the sessions, we monitor the needs of our children and if they have a particular concern, or an adult has noticed one they will be offered help and support from the Brookland team.

As well as during PSHE+C sessions children are encouraged to ask questions and suggest topics for discussion. They can do this during the session, by visiting the Orchard room or by writing down their ideas and placing them in the ‘What I would like to know’ box. Each class has their own floor book showing what they have been doing in the PSHE+C sessions.

What are we learning?

We have had a big focus on our recovery curriculum. We know that lockdown has not been easy for many and that for all of us, returning to school has been a challenge. We looked at our lockdown experiences, friendships, timetables and the adults at Brookland Junior School who could help us settle back in . We talked about the new skills lots of us discovered too; cooking, painting, gardening to name but a few and discussed the things that were a challenge for us.

Black History Month

During October our PSHE+C sessions enabled us to learn about Black History. Looking at the book Under the Quilt of Night by Deborah Hopkinson and James R Ransome, we asked "What does it feel like to be free?" and learnt about slavery and how it has affected thousands and thousands of people. We learnt about Freedom quilts and even designed our own.

Go-Givers Young Citizens

Using the resources from Go-Givers Young Citizens Year 3 and 4 have thought about their feelings and being part of a family. Year 5 and 6 have learnt about conflict, how we react to it and how mediation can help.

Spring 1 2021

All year groups have looked at appropriate age ratings for films and games and how to be safe on the internet. Year 5 and 6 have also looked at peer pressure and personal boundaries.

We have had a big focus on Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing.

Year 3 read The Worrysaurus by Rachel Bright and Chris Chatterton, they created some poems and pictures about this.

Year 4 created their own Safe Networks and thought All About Me.

We had Wellbeing Wednesday where we encouraged everyone to be tech free and do something creative or enjoy some time outside. This was wonderful saw our lots of our school community going on nature walks, baking, painting, exercising and playing games.

Spring 2 2021

Using Natwest Money Sense resources we have been looking at Economic wellbeing: Attitudes and ideas about spending, saving and giving money; Wants and needs; Keeping money safe. How managing money makes us feel. We have role played as business owners and customers and worked through some tricky scenarios in our classes considering how customer's money choices might be different and whether our money choices impact other people.

Future Topics

Careers Education
Curriculum planning
Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco Education
Economic Wellbeing and Financial Capability
Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health
Healthy Lifestyles
Relationships and Sex Education
Safety (including Physical and Online Safety)

Children were asked for feedback on their PSHE and Citizenship sessions, below are some of their responses, I enjoyed…

“I have enjoyed everything!”

“How you can express your emotions without any worry of being judged.”

“Being respectful to people.”

“Learning about how to be very kind to people.”

“Listening to other people’s opinions.”

“Learning about networks.”

Useful links