At Brookland Junior School we offer a full and an imaginative Religious Education curriculum following the Hertfordshire Agreed Syllabus. We hope to inspire our children's natural curiosity with an enquiry approach to RE in order that they can respect and understand other cultures and beliefs.RE at Brookland is a subject that not only allows for discussion of ethics and morality, but also allows children to consider what people believe and do, why they believe and the impact these beliefs have on their everyday lives.Through religious Education we aim for our children to gain knowledge and understanding, encourage them to explore 'big questions' expressing their own critical responses and give them time to investigate and build on previous learning.We hope to nurture religiously and theologically literate pupils!
The overview of units has been carefully planned to ensure coverage of all eight statutory key areas across each key stage. It also aims to ensure progression in belief systems from Key Stage 1 and within Key Stage 2, whilst avoiding unnecessary repetition of content.
The long term plan for RE takes into account previous learning from Key Stage 1 and builds upon the learning within Key Stage 2. For each year group and half term unit, the long term plan clearly details: which eight statutory key areas will be studied, the expected outcome for each year group within those eight key areas,the religious context and the 'Big Question' for enquiry.
To support our Christian learning,we use the Understanding Christianity resource which is organised around eight core concepts based on the 'Big Story of the Bible' -
God, Creation, Fall, People of God, Incarnation, Gospel, Salvation, Kingdom of God.'
Knowledge Organisers.
RE Knowledge organisers are being developed/used as an aid to our children's learning. Essentially, they summarise the key knowledge or facts that the children will need to understand that unit of work. Our RE knowledge organisers focus on the religion(s) the children are studying within that year group. They include:
- the key area(s) that the children are studying the religion in . (This helps the children to connect their learning in that key area across the religions they study.)
- essential facts about that religion, world view or belief system.
- new or important vocabulary.
- details of the major festivals celebrated and symbols of the religion.
Religious Education (RE) is a compulsory subject in the state education system in England. Schools are required to teach a programme of religious studies according to local and national guidelines. At Brookland Junior School, we follow The Hertfordshire Agreed Syllabus of Religious Education and children enjoy weekly RE lessons.