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Our Intent

At Brookland Junior School, we celebrate the many languages and cultures of our children. We teach Spanish in all year groups once a week and by the time children finish their junior school journey, they have a proficient knowledge of how to learn a language as well as how to speak basic Spanish. This includes many areas of the language, such as greetings, numbers, days and months of the year, as well as the key letter sounds and pronunciation.

Brookland Junior School uses the Language Angels resources to ensure we offer a vibrant, audiovisual, ambitious foreign language curriculum designed to engage our children and work with all levels of learners. The four key areas we deliver are listening, speaking, reading and writing and underpinning this are all the necessary grammar and spelling skills.  These are taught through songs, games and many opportunities are given for speaking, listening, reading and writing.

We also celebrate key days in the Spanish calendar and Spanish-speaking countries and our annual international day is very popular with our families.

Children at Brookland Junior school develop a deep understanding of how their own culture compares to that of others and the world around them.  They work towards becoming lifelong learners with a genuine interest and positive curiosity about foreign language learning.